Category Archives: My Life’s Purpose

How to Identify Your Life’s Calling

Your calling is the reason you exist. It is what spirit or God, if you will, has intended for you here on your spiritual journey in your human form. You have been gifted with unique abilities and experiences to deliver you to this exact moment. If you are reading this, well chances are you are searching and there may be a little voice, some intuition or an impulse that you are meant to be doing something else. How do you know what that something is? How can you afford to do what you really want to with your life? What about your health insurance, the bills and what will other people think? Faith is an incredible concept, but to actually have faith and to trust fall into life by beginning to follow your joy and bliss is when we enable our inspired ideas through inspired action. Personally, I stopped in my tracks at 45 years old, mid-career and took a plunge to become a Hypnotherapist. The whispers became shouts as my physical health suffered as a direct result of a strangled spirit. My trust fall into the abyss of pure potential has and continues to be a joyous remembering and awakening of my true self the I AM presence. Sure that may all be great for me but this is about you.  How you can find your way to a more fulfilling, joyful and harmonious life? Yes, you deserve to have a fulfilled life. You are worthy and deserving of the best life has to offer. You absolutely have a purpose and abundance is waiting for you. Here are some steps to begin to get clear on what your calling is.

  1. Meditate and quiet your mind daily: I recently placed rain barrels in my yard for irrigation. It occurred to me that as an empty vessel they are ready to receive the bounty from the heavens and then in turn provide that nourishment to the plant life. I can assure you that your calling will in someone require you to be a vessel for helping others.
  2. Clarity of intent: When we wake up feeling like a victim to our circumstances most days will feel like you are walking through a pinball machine. By taking the time to ask yourself what do I really want from my relationships, my health, my finances and my work you begin to gain true clarity? You can learn more about creating and manifesting the life you want here at
  3. Don’t deny your feelings: Take time to become more observant of your feelings and don’t deny them or push them down. If you’re angry or hurt then the only way out is through. You have permission to be kind to yourself and express what you are feeling, resolve it, forgive yourself and others and find your way back to love.


Beth Snyder, CCHt
4801 S. Tamiami Trail
#5 Suite A
Sarasota, FL 34231

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Beth Snyder, CCHt