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Psychosomatic Modalities Create Permanent Change

Tapping Into The BodyMind Connection 

You’ve probably heard of muscle memory: the idea that by practicing your footwork or the tango it becomes easier, even a ‘no-brainer,’ to do a martial art or dance step.  The same dynamic is true for emotional memory.

Research into the body/mind connection has shown that the emotions we feel today, and those we’ve experienced all through our lives, are stored in our glands, organs, tissues and cells. The good news is that through hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic (re)programming (NLP) and other psychosomatic modalities, we can literally change what can be called the cellular subconscious. 

Through my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner, I know that the path to emotional freedom is through rewiring our neuro pathways away from pain and back to pleasure. Yes, back to pleasure! We are all biologically programmed for happiness: hardwired for bliss.

Mastering our emotions – those we feel in the moment and the emotional memories that are holding us back from our highest potential – is not as hard as you think.  It can be as easy as a hop, skip and a jump. 

You can start your personal empowerment program today! Click here for a demonstration of one of the powerful psychosomatice modalties available to you now, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). Then call for a free consultation at (941) 228-8020 to learn more about hypnoanalysis, self-directed neuroplasticity and nlp.

Why Celebrities Use Hypnosis

Why Top Performers Use Hypnosis?


In this over-stimulating and competitive era, it’s easy to feel distracted, even discouraged, about your ability to shine. Perhaps you feel your progress in reaching your goals is consistently under par; or maybe you ‘freeze up’ at exactly the time when you need to be ‘in the flow’.

Sound familiar? You are not alone. Top sports figures like golfer Tiger Woods, basketball star Michael Jordan and many other athletes have had the same difficulties. It is well documented that one method they use to override and dissolve their self-limiting beliefs and negative self-talk is therapeutic hypnosis, also called hypnotherapy. 

How does it work? First, I want to explain that hypnotherapy is not something that takes you over or makes you lose control. It is an alert state where you become more aware and focused on achieving your personal best.

As a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Master NLP Practitioner,  I am trained to unearth your negative mind talk and change it to positive. By working with me, after a few sessions, if not after only one visit, you will have learned techniques for anxiety reduction and begun to shift the subconscious from old ‘tape loops’ that end in failure, to new recordings of success and achievement.

Performance enhancement does not have to come from a pill or a protein powder. You already have what it takes to succeed!

What Is NLP and How It Can Change Your Life?

What Is NLP and How It Can Change Your Life?

By: Beth A. Snyder, CCHt

NLP or neuro-linguistic programming is a mechanism or tool in which a person can fine tune or program their thoughts and mind to match their language, goals and desires. NLP provides practical ways and tools to help a person change the way they live their life. NLP influences and directs the way we think, remember past events and memories and can change our overall approach to life and happiness. NLP is similar to the software of a computer. It is like the software of the mind. It is an extraordinary, innovative and inventive approach on how to develop, improve and perfect human communication skills to achieve excellence in all areas of one’s life.

The principle behind NLP

The main and basic principle of NLP is that you can change the way your life works and the way you live your life by changing the way your mind works and the way you think. NLP focuses on programming thoughts and behaviours towards reaching high levels of motivation and positivity. Employing NLP techniques allows us to overcome barriers and obstructions in order to reach our goals and dreams in a more focused and directed manner.

The discovery of NLP

NLP shows you how you can take control of your life by taking control of your mind. It focuses on the ‘how’ aspect more than the ‘why’ aspect. It was discovered by two people – one a mathematician named Richard Bandler and the other a linguistic named John Grinder. Both of them were fascinated by the fact of how some people were able to excel at a particular skill and how some people were merely average or good at a particular work or task because they didn’t have the same skill. They were curious to learn the difference between these two kinds of people and what it was that made them so different from one another intellectually. At its core NLP is the study and duplication of excellence.

How can NLP change your life?

NLP has proven to be extremely effective in a number of areas. As a Master NLP Practitioner and Hypnotist creating excellence in your life is my passion. With NLP you can improve your life in the following ways.

• Work or business

• Relationships

• Sports and physical activity or fitness

• Health, well-being & personal happiness

By learning and incorporating NLP into your life you can drastically change the way things work in your life. Achieve your personal best and enjoy life more. NLP also uses techniques like attracting positivity and the power of belief. Learn more today at

Hypnosis and Sports Performance

Hypnosis for Sports Performance

Sports hypnosis is the method of using hypnosis, nlp and mindfulness techniques with athletes and other sports players to enhance and improve their performance and improve physical recovery from injury. Hypnosis is used in sports primarily for two purposes – performance enhancing and therapeutic purposes. Sports athletes can succumb to many injuries due to the intense physical training they undergo to stay in shape and form and while playing the actual sport. Hypnosis is used in helping them get over the trauma of pain and injury and improving their mental state of mind to achieve excellence in the game.

What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is the process of inducing a person into a state of heightened consciousness in which he is highly suggestible or receptive to direction or suggestion from a professional hypnotist. It reconnects both body and mind and rewires responses.  It is used to primarily help improve performance, attitude or alter unwanted behavior. Hypnosis is safe, simple and successful. When choosing a hypnotist it is important to look for someone with a minimum of 500 hours of training and someone who has graduated from a State-Licensed School.

Use of hypnosis in sports

Hypnosis is used widely among professional athletes. They believe that hypnosis is a great tool to achieve their personal best. Subconsciously athletes may be sabotaging their own performance or suppress their pain and anger which may adversely affect them in other ways. Professional hypnotherapy is an excellent way to transform these blocks.  Team members of the Russian Olympic team are known to use hypnosis to enhance their performance.  For more information on how hypnosis can help you achieve your personal best visit


Beth Snyder, CCHt
4801 S. Tamiami Trail
#5 Suite A
Sarasota, FL 34231

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I look forward to hearing from you and listening to truly understand and discuss a path to transformation.

Beth Snyder, CCHt