Hypnotherapy Services Sarasota

Hypnotherapy Services Sarasota

Complimentary Hypnotherapy Consultation

I look forward to hearing from you and listening to truly understand and discuss a path to transformation.
You … Re-imagined through collaborating to rediscover your internal healer.


Lose Weight With Hypnosis

Hypnosis can more than double the effect of traditional weight loss approaches. By addressing the underlying emotional drivers that cause increased weight gain or weight loss, hypnotherapy treats body, mind and spirit for life-lasting results. I have personally lost over 80 pounds and understand the struggle of losing weight and maintaining a healthy body weight. Hypnosis unlocks the chains of being overweight and frees you to achieve your health goals in a joyful and powerful way!

Stop Smoking

Hypnosis is commonly more effective for long term success in abolishing the addictive tobacco habit than any other therapy because it does not just treat the cravings or physical symptoms. According to the ICBCH, Hypnotherapy is 3 times as effective as a patch and 15 times more effective than willpower. Stop smoking NOW with hypnosis! Stop Smoking MP3 Download on Front Page as well as on www.stopsmokingsarasota.com.

Addiction Freedom

Addictions come in many forms and freedom from addiction is much closer then you realize. When you have suffered enough, it is time for Hypnotherapy. Addictions develop as a way to move away from emotional pain and “numb out” or simply not face something that is still in conflict, emotionally. Hypnotherapy is an effective tool because it allows us to work together to unravel the complicated aspects of addiction. The pain that you moved away from to begin with is still there if unresolved. Also the physical symptoms & cravings will remain even with the absence of food, sex, drugs and or cigarettes etc. The chance of relapse is much higher when the core cause is not discovered and transformed. The beautiful news is there is freedom and the even more wonderful news is that Hypnotherapy is fast, effective and safe. Ask your physician today for a prescription for Hypnosis and let’s begin our journey together.

Transform Anxiety & Stress

Quickly stop anxious & depressed feelings or panic. As a Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist who personally suffered with panic & anxiety, I am specially trained and in touch with highly effective methods to quickly resolve the unpleasant and life interrupting patterns that lead to anxiety, depression & panic. There is an alternative to medications and endless talk therapy; that resource lies within you. It is my greatest privilege to guide you to the peace of mind that waits. Working with your physician or health care provider, together we will reclaim your life & joy.

Attain Goals & Manifest The Life & Health You Desire

Ever wake up feeling a bit less than enthusiastic for the day ahead? If you are not where you want to be in your job, relationships, finances or emotions, then let’s change that. Functioning at your personal best allows you to be more motivating and encouraging to those around you. Let’s discover the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from reaching a health, fitness, interpersonal or career goal you desire. I will teach you how to bring more abundance into your life and how to manifest into reality the people and opportunities that seem to elude you today. Imagine waking up every day excited, enthused and alive with optimism!

Stress Reduction

You hear people say it every day, “I am so stressed.” What does that really mean? Nothing outside of ourselves can make us feel anything. It is truly our own reactions to the external stimuli, responsibilities and relationships around us that cause us to have conflict & feel stressed. Hypnotherapy allows us to reframe and reconfigure how we process all the “shoulds” and responsibilities of our lives. Together, we will uncover the root cause and resolve the inner conflict that leads to these stressed feelings. Through hypnotherapy, your health can greatly improve. Through mindfulness, you can experience benefits such as lower blood pressure, better sleep and more energy for life.


According to WebMD, hypnotherapy is an effective treatment for depression and can be used in combination with other treatments to improve the success rate for depression. Feelings of sadness and hopelessness are often like a vortex and finding a way out can seem impossible. Hypnosis allows for you to become more open to discussion and suggestions in a safe, relaxed and comfortable environment. Through hypnotherapy, we discover the emotional paths and past hurts fears and events which have compounded to create a state of sadness and hopelessness. If you currently have a diagnosis from your health care provider for depression or anxiety, a simple prescription from them for hypnotherapy will allow us to begin our work. Together, we begin to untangle the puzzle and help you find your way back to joy and peace.

Sleep Improvement

The APA states that sleep is essential for a person’s health and well-being. There are a variety of sleep disorders which can keep us from a sound slumber. Hypnotherapy and self-hypnosis is an effective way to reach your sleep goals. Through hypnotherapy, you will become empowered to enjoy the restful and restorative sleep you deserve.

Grief & Loss

Being separated from another in this lifetime through death can be so tremendously painful, it can leave you stunned and reeling. Hypnotherapy is an effective way to begin to process the feelings of loss and guilt and to process through the memories. Together, we will find a path to transforming your feelings and memories in a positive way to find meaning in your loss and allow you to make sense of it all and find your peace again.

Performance Anxiety

You study; you know the material but you choke when the test comes. You know you have what it takes and see that your colleagues are getting ahead but you are left behind, not achieving all you know you can. Maybe you have a sports goal that you just keep missing, such as a better golf swing, or fitness goal. With hypnotherapy, we will discover any limiting beliefs that are driving your behavior. We uncover the damaging thoughts that are sabotaging your best efforts and create a new approach that gets you the results you desire.

Memory Improvement

“Where are my keys?” “I cannot believe I forget to take care of that!” “Oh no, what is her name again?” It can really be embarrassing and frustrating when our memory isn’t working to its fullest potential. If you’re working to prepare for an important exam such as the bar exam for law or your SAT’s or simply want to have an easier time remembering names and staying organized, hypnotherapy helps. Accessing the subconscious mind is a direct connection to where long and short term memory is stored. By uncovering the blocks and reprogramming your beliefs, your retention and recall can be greatly improved.

Pain Control & Medical Conditons

My personal journey into hypnotherapy began with a terrible back injury. I know the burden of chronic pain and am free today from it because of the incredible power of hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can be used on any medical condition you wish to improve or avoid. Helping you to prepare for an upcoming medical procedure is my greatest honor. Anything the mind affects hypnotherapy can impact. Please arrange for a referral prescription from your physician for hypnotherapy. Studies have shown the powerful effect of hypnotherapy on pain management. The Schnuer study of 2007 showed that breast cancer patients who underwent a hypnotherapy session prior to surgery required less sedation during the surgery. Post-surgery, they experienced less nausea and pain. In fact, hypnosis treatment was shown to have saved the hospital $770 per patient.

Improve Self Esteem

You are worthy of respect, love, abundance and success. If your self-esteem does not quite agree, and you find yourself having difficulty attracting the love and success into your life that you desire, then hypnotherapy can help. Somewhere along the line you forgot the pure potential that you truly are. The truth is you are perfect, whole and complete, and through hypnosis, we can realign you with the truth about how amazing you truly are so that you can begin to attract the love and abundance you truly desire.


“Eek a spider!” “I cannot go camping – what if there is a snake?” Having a deep rooted fear or phobia is not funny when you are the one experiencing it. It is truly terrifying to face something that sends fear up and down your spine. Even public speaking can seem so very overwhelming that you avoid it at all costs. There are many phobias and hypnosis is a safe, secure & successful way to process and reframe your responses to them.

Emotional Difficulties

“I just get so angry so fast.” “I can’t express what I really want to.” Peace of mind and a joyful heart are your natural born rights, just like oxygen. If you’re over or under-reacting to people or situations, then it is time for hypnotherapy. By diving into the deeper reasons behind your reactions, we can put the puzzle together and deliver you to the joy and freedom that waits.

Relationship Difficulties

As a Certified Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist, I understand that relationships are our most sacred gifts. Dealing with difficult people and just surviving through a relationship is a burden that you can transform. Through transpersonal hypnotherapy, we begin to see others in a new light and build our relationships through compassion for ourselves and others.


Beth Snyder, CCHt, is a Clinical & Transpersonal Hypnotherapist and not a physician. Please ask your practitioner for a referral prescription for any diagnosed or medical condition. Hypnotherapy is a collaborative partnership between the client & hypnotherapist and intended to create a safe and secure environment where the subconscious mind is effected by suggestion and reprogramming. All hypnotherapy performed is non-therapeutic and in no way intended to replace professional medical or psychological care. If you are under the care of a physician or practitioner of the healing arts, please obtain a referral prescription from your provider prior to entering into hypnotherapy. It is my honor to work with you in this sacred and powerful modality. I am positive we can truly create You reimagined.


Beth Snyder, CCHt
4801 S. Tamiami Trail
#5 Suite A
Sarasota, FL 34231

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I look forward to hearing from you and listening to truly understand and discuss a path to transformation.

Beth Snyder, CCHt bethsnyderhypnosis@gmail.com