
Welcome to the Loutopia weekly podcast. This is a podcast I co-host with my colleague and friend Lou Angelwolf. This podcast promotes humor, health and well being. I hope you will enjoy the humorous and uplifting segments below. If you would like to hear more you can also listen in weekly or download the show as an mp3. Laughter is a wonderful way to immediately impact your well being-enjoy!


Calgon take me away! Well maybe it’s not that bad, but do you ever feel like some time alone helps you feel better?  We explore the difference between checking out and purposeful solitude in this episode. With a few diversions into hilarity as we go…

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Self Esteem

Take a break and enjoy a giggle or two or maybe three. In this episode we explore self-esteem and sometimes the lack of it in our lives. Learn how to create more self esteem in your life. It’s a fun and insightful look at how what we think about ourselves is playing out in our lives daily. 

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Multitasking & Stress

Did you know that your brain, that is the gray matter up there in your skull can not actually process two thoughts at once. Join the gang this week as we discover what multitasking is really doing to our productivity and stress levels. A funny and informative discussion sure to leave your cheeks aching from laughter.

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God and Science

Wow, no small subject here. Whatever your opinions the humorous and diverse opinions on this week’s episode will leave you wondering what’s it all about anyway and answering few larger cosmic questions about our divine nature.

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Exploring the societal concept of individualism over the greater good. This episode takes some turns and twists into our responsibilities as citizens of this planet and what it means to be human in our modern and sometimes confusing societies. 

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Accepting Defeat

Sometimes in life it seems like we are fighting an uphill battle. Join us as we discuss what is defeat and does failure really exist? If you’ve been struggling with a job or relationship this week’s show is sure to leave you with a new perspective and some fresh insight.

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Communal Living

Ever wonder if living in a commune is right for you? Ever wonder why the heck anyone would want to live in a commune. This week we take a mind bending tour of the pro’s and cons and what it means to our society as a whole. A funny, insightful and sometimes plain ol silly show, you’re sure to enjoy. Come hang out with us in Loutopia!

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How Big Is Your But

We are pleased to welcome a colleague and friend Rene Brent, RN and Clinical Hypnotherapist to our show this week. She brings a practical and hilarious take on creating your best life with her book How Big is Your But. Whatever follows the word but is what is holding you back subconsciously. Rene shares her tips on how to overcome your Big But!

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Did you know the average adult laughs 17 times a day? Do you want more laughter in your life? It is one of the best things you can do. This week is a wonderful dive into the world of laughter. What happens biologically and why it’s so good for you. Plus the show is a stitch and you’ll get your 17 laugh quota in about 30 minutes:)

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Ever had a boss, family member or friend that was micro managing everything you did or do? Ever feel like you just can not stop thinking about all the little things. Your mind will run in default mode network, yes that is a real thing and create lot’s of havoc when you’re trying to manage it all at once. Join us as we explore how to act and react to micro management and a few diversions into the silly and hilarious.

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Why is it that willpower and logic just do not seem to create the persistent behaviour or new habit we want? Ever feel like you start things but never finish? Persistence and resistance to change are closely related. This episode explores ways to create real change and dispels the myths around willpower and it’s really funny too.

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Beth Snyder, CCHt
4801 S. Tamiami Trail
#5 Suite A
Sarasota, FL 34231

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I look forward to hearing from you and listening to truly understand and discuss a path to transformation.

Beth Snyder, CCHt bethsnyderhypnosis@gmail.com